
'.The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.' Bob Dylan PerformanceSoma Wind Turbines, in production since 1979 andmanufactured by Sunrise Solar since 1996, aremade from the highest quality materials towithstand long-term wear and fatigue. Large rotordiameters ensure high efficiency in light tomoderate windspeeds. The brushless, permanentmagnet alternators are designed to produce a powercurve that matches the output of the 2 bladed rotorwhile operating at optimal tip speed ratios. Thepropellors are constructed using a hollow mouldedfibreglass technique that is unique to Soma.
Applications include any remote sites where alternative power is required, such as home power andtelecommunications.
Feathering Mechanism
Control Panel
Soma Wind Turbines are supplied
complete with a voltage regulated
control panel and dump load. When the
batteries are fully charged the excess
power is burnt off as heat. The Control
features a tapered charge
regulator which progressively reduces
the supply of current to the battery as
it reaches full charge. By adjusting the
control dial the upper voltage can be
reset to enable equalization charging.
Sunrise Solar manufacture 13 metre and 19.5 metre guyed tilt towers complete with brake winch. Safe, easy and no climbing! Wind-Solar HybridThe Wind Turbine can be connected to the same bank of batteries assolar panels to create a hybrid system. Such a system provides a moreconsistant supply of power and is less affected by variations in windand solar levels.
Deep cycle batteries should be large enough to provide 3-4 days
storage for windless periods. The Soma400 should have a battery
bank of at least 220AH at 24 volts (or 440AH at 12 volts). The
Hybrid home power system with Soma 1000 on 13m tower and solar panels located nearer to house.
DC Volts for refrigeration, lights, fans,pumps, stereo etc.
microwave,TV, stereo, VCR, lights,refrigeration, fans, pumps, computer etc.
Simple Installation and
Installation can be carried out by
following the instructions in the manual
provided. It should take two people no
more than two days to complete. Better
still, contact us for a Soma dealer in your
area and have it installed professionally.
Sunrise Solar also manufacture a range
of winch towers which are designed tosimplify installation and maintenance ofthe Soma Wind Turbines.
WarrantySoma Wind Turbines are guaranteed tobe free of any defects in materials andworkmanship for a period of one year.
Sunrise Solar has a long-standingreputation for providing complete back-up and service facilities if required.
Rated Output @ 10m/s wind speed
Peak Output
Cut-in Wind Speed
Rated Wind Speed
Max Design Wind Speed
Feathering Mechanism
Blade Diameter
Number of Blades
Operating Speed
Blade Construction
Alternator Type
12 (with transformer), 24, 48, 108, 110, 120 Battery Voltage Regulator
Shipping Volume
Shipping Weight

Source: http://www.electricsystems.co.nz/documents/Soma4001000.pdf

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