
Dermatology Specialists of St. Louis
Erin S. Gardner, MD FAAD FACMS
Patient: __________________________________________________________________________ Age: _____ Date: ________________
Select one: □ This consultation was requested by Dr. __________________ for ________________________ □ I was self-referred □ Existing patient
Please fill out this form completely! Use large check marks.
WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE? □ Check Skin Spots/Moles/Lesion □ Rash □ Skin Cancer □ Other _______________

1. What Location:
□ Whole body □ Other _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Duration of problem: ____ years / ____ months / ____ days OR Uncertain

3. Symptoms you are having: (Check those that apply.)
--If Lesion or Skin Cancer: □ None □ lesion growing □ non-healing □ bleeds □ changing color □ changing shape
--If Rash: □ None □ itching □ scaling □ crusting □ spreading □ tender □ painful

4. Previous / Current treatments (Lesion or Skin Cancer):

-For this/these lesion(s):
None □ Mohs surgery □ Excision □ Liquid nitrogen □ Curettage □ Blue Light / PDT □ Chemical peeling
Creams: □ 5-fluorouracil □ Imiquimod □ Other: ______________________ -For other lesion(s) you have had:
None □ Mohs surgery □ Excision □ Liquid nitrogen □ Curettage □ Blue Light / PDT □ Chemical peeling
Creams: □ 5-fluorouracil □ Imiquimod □ Other: ________________
5. Previous / Current treatments (Rash): (check all that apply, circle any that helped the rash)
None □ Phototherapy □ Sun avoidance □ Discontinuation treatment:______________________________________
Creams: □ Steroid cream □ Moisturizer □ Anesthetic □ Benadryl □ Anti-itch □ Antifungal □ other:_____________________ Oral medications: □ NSAIDs/Aspirin □ Benadryl □ Atarax □ Isotretinoin / Accutane □ Oral steroids □ other:_______________ -Previous biopsy or laboratory results:__________________________________________________________________________

6. Quality/Feeling of your Rash:
□ burning □ stinging □ stabbing □ twinging □ puffy-feeling □ ful -feeling □ tight-feeling □ progressive □ worsening
7. Timing/Context for your Rash: □ NO particular factors influence my rash OR

□ The following factors have made my rash better or worse (select only those that apply):
better / worse
better / worse
□ □ □ Started after taking/using _______________ □ □ □ Following Trauma to the Site ============================================================================================================================================

Medications you take:
None □ List or attach list ________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Al ergies to Medications: None known □ List:________________________________________________________________________

Tell us about your Family History:
-Family history of skin cancer: None □ List type & relation: __________________________________________________________________
-Family history of other skin problems: None □ List: _______________________________________________________________________

Tel us about your Social/Personal History:

Lifetime Occupational / Recreational Sun Exposure: □ light □ moderate □ heavy Alcohol Use: □ none □ social □ regular □ former
Indoor Tanning: □ never □ occasional prior □ occasional current □ regular prior □ regular current ___drinks/day ___drinks/week ___drinks/month
Living Situation: □ alone □ home with family / roommate □ assisted living
Smoking: □ never □ current: ____ packs/day □ former

Tel us about your Skin/Dermatologic History: (
check all that apply)
-History of skin cancer: None □ List type & site: __________________________________________________________________________
-History of other skin diseases: None □ List: ____________________________________________________________________________
□ History of keloids □ History of poor wound healing What other Dermatologic services or products interest you?
□ Moisturizers/emollients for sensitive skin □ Topical retinoids for fine wrinkling □ Botox Dermatology Specialists of St. Louis
Erin S. Gardner, MD FAAD FACMS
►Indicate below whether you have a history of any of the following conditions:
Neurologic implant / stimulators □ □
Defibril ator
Hematologic / Lymphatic:
Infections History:
Metal implants / artificial joints □ □
Allergic / Immunologic:
--specify: □ A □ B □ C □ D □ E Gynecologic
Sterilization – tubal ligation/vasectomy □ □ Any other significant diseases / conditions: ________________________________________________________________________________
Any other relevant surgical procedures: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Antimicrobial screening of commercial eggs and determination of tet

International Journal of Poultry Science 9 (10): 959-962, 2010ISSN 1682-8356© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010 Antimicrobial Screening of Commercial Eggs and Determination of Tetracycline Residue Using Two Microbiological Methods Bacterial Research Division, National Veterinary Research Institute, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine,Department of V


Gloria, énorme, la soixantaine. Irena, blonde cinquantenaire portant une minijupe turquoise. Véronique, quarante-cinq ans, svelte, marquée. Andrew, 37 ans, richissime, fatigué. Gloria. Je m’appelle Gloria Palmer Putnam. J’habite New York. Irena. Irena Warwick. Je vis avec mon mari à Reading, Angleterre. Véronique. Je suis Véronique Duborgel. J’élève seule mes n

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