Pitfalls in the accurate measurement of joint space narrowing in semiflexed, anteroposterior radiographic imaging of the knee
Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2004, pp 2508–2515
2004, American College of Rheumatology
Pitfalls in the Accurate Measurement of Joint Space Narrowing
in Semiflexed, Anteroposterior Radiographic Imaging
Steven A. Mazzuca,1 Kenneth D. Brandt,1 Kenneth A. Buckwalter,1 and Michel Lequesne2
Objective. Computerized measurement of changes the skin over the head of the fibula to permit estimation in joint space width (JSW) on serial radiographs of the of the percentage of radiographic magnification (%Mag) knee in the semiflexed, anteroposterior (SF-AP) view and correction of JSW measurements. Measurements of has been used recently as a primary outcome measure in the minimum interbone distance (IBD) in the medial clinical trials of disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs tibiofemoral compartment and the %Mag were obtained (DMOADs). In the use of fluoroscopy to achieve repro- by an automated method (edge detection) and manually. ducible alignment of the medial tibial plateau and x-ray Combinations of automated and manual measurements beam, the SF-AP radiographic protocol affords greater of the IBD and %Mag in estimates of magnification- sensitivity in the detection of joint space narrowing corrected JSW were compared with respect to their (JSN) than that achieved by conventional radiographic reproducibility, agreement, and sensitivity to JSN. positioning techniques. However, the utility of the Results. With fully automated measurements, SF-AP view is compromised by the variation in x-ray variations in x-ray penetration in analog radiographs penetration in each examination, which may confound and edge enhancement in digital radiographs resulted the correction of the automated measurement of JSW in the computer “seeing” a metal ball whose diameter for the radiographic magnification inherent in an AP was artifactually reduced, resulting in an inflated mea- view of the knee. A recent DMOAD trial using the SF-AP surement of JSW. Use of manual measurement of the protocol showed an improbable increase in JSW of IBD and %Mag largely eliminated these problems and
>0.50 mm (i.e., greater than the measurement error). reduced, from 16% to 2%, the frequency of knees exhib- The present report provides an analysis of this problem, iting an increase in JSW >0.50 mm. In 14 of the 15 and the study aim was to demonstrate that substitution knees in which a significant increase in JSW was noted of the automated estimates of JSW with precise manual with the manual method, this increase in JSW could be measurements can markedly reduce the problem attrib- explained by the development of significant lateral utable to radiographic magnification. compartment narrowing during the study or poor align- Methods. SF-AP radiographs were obtained at ment of the medial plateau. baseline and at 16 months and 30 months thereafter Conclusion. Although automated and manual from subjects enrolled in a 6-center DMOAD trial. For methods of JSW measurement of the knee in the SF-AP each examination, a 6.35-mm steel ball was affixed to view possess comparable intrareader reproducibility, the manual method is less susceptible to technical
Supported by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis
factors that affect the correction of raw JSW estimates
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (P60-AR-20582, R01-AR-
for radiographic magnification. Until we can identify practical, effective solutions to these technical prob-
Steven A. Mazzuca, PhD, Kenneth D. Brandt, MD, Kenneth
A. Buckwalter, MD: Indiana University, Indianapolis; 2Michel Le-
lems, use of any radiographic protocol involving AP imaging of the knee in a DMOAD trial must be viewed
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Steven A. with caution.
Mazzuca, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department ofMedicine, Rheumatology Division, Long Hospital Room 545, 1110West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5100. E-mail:
The development of protocols for standardized
knee radiography has been regarded as an important
Submitted for publication January 26, 2004; accepted in
advance that, when combined with automated measure-
flate estimates of the true value of JSW by as much as35% (3).
We have previously presented data indicating
that longitudinal variations in x-ray penetration alter byas much as 20% (7) the projected diameter of a sphericalmarker, which is used as a basis for correcting auto-mated measurements of JSW in the SF-AP view forradiographic magnification. Changes in JSW (both pos-itive and negative) due to x-ray penetration–relatedvariations in the size of the marker, rather than todisease progression, confound the detection of jointspace narrowing (JSN) in the SF-AP view and diminishthe confidence (i.e., statistical power) with which aclinical DMOAD trial of reasonable size and durationcan be expected to detect a true structure-modifyingeffect. Moreover, many clinical radiology departmentshave converted their methods from conventional analogto digital radiographic imaging. The effects of this trendon our ability to correct automated measurements ofJSW from the SF-AP view for radiographic magnifica-tion are unknown.
placebo-controlled clinical trial (RCT) of a DMOAD in
Figure 1. Fluoroscopically assisted positioning of the knee for the
which structure modification was evaluated in serial
semiflexed, anteroposterior radiographic view requires flexion of the
SF-AP radiographs. In the course of this trial, we
knee to achieve parallel alignment of the medial tibial plateau and
encountered unanticipated problems with the correction
central x-ray beam, as indicated by superimposition Ϯ1 mm of the
of automated estimates of JSW for magnification, both
anterior and posterior margins of the medial tibial plateau. The degree
in the analog and in the digital radiographs. These
of flexion needed to achieve parallel alignment in most subjects (7–10°)draws the knee away from the x-ray cassette and results in magnifica-
problems were highlighted by an inordinately large
tion of all features of the joint in the radiograph. To adjust for this
percentage of serial pairs of SF-AP radiographs (16%)
effect, a magnification marker (a small metal sphere of known
in which automated measurements of JSW in analog and
diameter affixed to the skin over the head of the fibula) is used to
digital images suggested a paradoxical thickening of the
estimate the degree of magnification reflected in a radiograph, so that
articular cartilage beyond the limits of measurement
quantitative measurements can be proportionate.
In the present report, we describe our experience
ment of joint space width (JSW) in digitized radio-
with the correction of estimates of JSW for radiographic
graphs, permits more reproducible estimates of articular
magnification, and we examine the extent to which
cartilage thickness in knee osteoarthritis (OA) than is
substitution of automated estimates of JSW in serial
possible with conventional radiographic methods (1).
SF-AP views with precise manual measurements may
The semiflexed, anteroposterior (SF-AP) view of the
increase the power of a DMOAD trial to detect a
knee (2,3) has been used in several clinical trials of
difference between the active treatment group and pla-
purported disease-modifying OA drugs (DMOADs; i.e.,
cebo group with respect to the rate of JSN.
doxycycline, risedronate). This protocol uses fluoroscopyto guide positioning (flexion and rotation) of the knee
and is superior to nonfluoroscopic standardization pro-tocols (4,5) in achieving reliable parallel alignment of
Subjects for this trial (n ϭ 431) were recruited from 6
the medial tibial plateau with the central x-ray beam in
clinical centers for a placebo-controlled RCT of a DMOAD.
serial examinations (6). However, with the SF-AP view,
All subjects had unilateral knee OA by the Kellgren andLawrence criteria (OA severity grades 2 or 3 for the index knee
in which the knee is not in contact with the x-ray cassette
and grades 0 or 1 for the contralateral knee, in a standing AP
(Figure 1), quantitative estimates of JSW require cor-
view) (8). SF-AP knee radiographs were obtained at baseline
rection for radiographic magnification, which may in-
and at 16 months and 30 months thereafter (Figure 1). As
directed by the protocol for the SF-AP view (2), a magnifica-
Intrarater reproducibility of automated and manual mea-
tion marker (6.35-mm steel ball encased in methyl methacry-
surements of joint space narrowing in the knees of patients with
late) was affixed to the skin over the head of the fibula for each
examination. The minimum interbone distance (IBD) in the
medial tibiofemoral compartment and the degree of radio-
graphic magnification (%Mag) were measured by 2 methods,
by investigators who were blinded to the treatment group.
First, automated measurements from digitized images
were obtained by a research associate (computer operator) in
the laboratory of 1 of the investigators (KAB), using xJSWsoftware (9). This software uses a semiautomated (operator-
* IBD ϭ interbone distance; %Mag ϭ percentage of radiographic
assisted) edge-detection subroutine to define the margins of
magnification; JSW ϭ joint space width.
the femur and the medial tibial plateau in the medial compart-
† Corrected for radiographic magnification.
ment, and then fits circles between the bony margins (edges) toidentify the circle with the smallest diameter (i.e., the mini-mum IBD, expressed in pixels). Another semiautomated sub-
JSW in the SF-AP view were compared: fully automated, fully
routine estimates the %Mag reflected in the size of the circular
manual, and hybrid (i.e., automated estimate of IBD corrected
projection of the magnification marker. After the operator
manually for magnification). These approaches were evaluated
draws a square region of interest (ROI) of known dimensions
(e.g., 80 ϫ 80 pixels) around the image of the marker, the
First, we compared the automated, manual, and hybrid
software counts the number of unexposed pixels within the
approaches with respect to the frequency with which the
ROI (i.e., pixels that appear white against the black back-
30-month estimate of JSW was Ն0.50 mm as compared with
ground). This count is expressed as a percentage of all pixels
the baseline value. The value of 0.50 mm represents the upper
within the square. Based on the assumption that this percent-
limit of measurement error (the 95% confidence interval) for
age represents the area of the circle relative to that of the ROI,
JSW estimates in repeated SF-AP radiographs obtained over
the diameter of the circle (expressed in pixels) is determined
an interval of 7–10 days (11). All knee radiographs obtained in
arithmetically. Given the known diameter of the marker (6.35
the trial (both knees of subjects in both treatment groups) were
mm), the %Mag for each radiograph is expressed as the ratio
of the 2 diameters (in pixels/mm). The minimum IBD is then
Second, based on data from the placebo group of the
divided by the corresponding value of %Mag, to yield a
present RCT, we estimated sample size requirements for a
magnification-corrected estimate of JSW.
hypothetical 30-month DMOAD trial designed to detect a
The manual measurements of minimum IBD and
30% decrease in the rate of JSN in the active treatment group,
%Mag were then obtained directly from the radiographs, in
in comparison with the placebo group, with 80% statistical
accordance with the method of Lequesne (10). Manual mea-
power and ␣ ϭ 0.05. The mean and SD values of the 30-month
surements were performed by an investigator (SAM) who was
JSN in the placebo group derived from automated, hybrid, and
blinded to the results of the automated measurements. The
manual approaches were the bases for alternative sample-size
minimum IBD and the diameter of the projected marker were
gauged with a screw-adjustable divider and transferred to ablank sheet of paper as pin pricks. A magnifying lens fittedwith a 1-cm graticule (Ϯ0.2 mm) was then used to measure the
distance between each pair of pin pricks. The manual mea-surement of IDB was then adjusted proportionately, based on
The intrarater reproducibility of measurements
the ratio of the measured diameter of the marker to the known
derived from automated and manual methods is shown
diameter (%Mag), providing a magnification-corrected esti-
in Table 1. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs)
for the repeated automated measurements of the IBD
For the purpose of establishing intrarater reproducibil-
ity, a second set of automated measurements of the IBD and
and %Mag were 0.993 and 0.968, respectively. When
%Mag were obtained in a random sample of 30 digitized
combined to produce a magnification-corrected esti-
images, with the operator blinded to the results of the first set
mate of JSW, the result also possessed remarkable
of analyses. Similarly, 2 investigators (ML and SAM) each
intrarater reproducibility (ICC 0.991). For the repeated
generated 2 sets of manual measurements of the IBD and
manual measurements conducted by each of 2 raters, the
%Mag from a separate random sample of 30 radiographs, witheach rater blinded to his own initial measurements as well as to
intrarater reproducibility was comparable with that seen
those of the other rater. Automated and manual methods of
in automated measurements, with ICCs of 0.973 and
measurement were then compared with respect to reproduc-
0.980 for IBD, 0.989 and 0.998 for %Mag, and 0.986 and
ibility and agreement (Pearson correlation) of the estimates of
0.996 for JSW. Moreover, the interrater reproducibility
IBD, %Mag, and magnification-corrected JSW.
for manual measurements of the IBD was only slightly
To evaluate the discrete contributions of the measure-
ments of IBD and %Mag to the sensitivity with which serial
smaller (ICC 0.953) than the corresponding estimates of
estimates of magnification-corrected JSW reflect the thinning
intrarater reproducibility (Table 1). In contrast, the
of articular cartilage (i.e., JSN), 3 approaches to estimating
correlation between manual measurements of the diam-
Pearson correlations between automated and manual measurements among the clinical centers
eter of the ball (the %Mag) by the 2 raters was much
of the joint space (from 41% to 16%) occurred in the
smaller (ICC 0.785) than that for the measurements of
clinical center with the highest percentage of such errors
the IBD. However, given that the SF-AP radiographic
in fully automated data. Notably, digital radiographic
technique results in radiographic magnification of the
images, rather than analog images, comprised a far
knee within a relatively narrow range (10–35%) (3), the
greater proportion of the SF-AP radiographs from this
lesser level of agreement with regard to the degree to
center than from the other 5 centers. Furthermore, a
which the estimates of IBD required correction for
temporal trend was observed in the digital radiographs
magnification did not affect the interrater reproducibil-
from this center; in contrast to the radiographs acquired
ity of estimates of JSW (ICC 0.956).
at baseline, the digital images acquired at 16 months and
Correlations between the automated and manual
at 30 months were processed with edge enhancement,
measurements of the IBD and %Mag in all radiographs
which is an adjustment of the digital image that high-
from the trial are presented in Table 2. In radiographs
lights bony margins and the perimeter of the magnifica-
from each of the 6 clinical centers, the correlation
tion marker but decreases the intensity of the interior of
between automated and manual measurements of the
IBD was very strong (0.88–0.93; P Ͻ 0.0000 for all).
In the fully manual measurements of both the
However, the %Mag estimates by the 2 methods were
IBD and the %Mag, the frequency with which JSW
only moderately correlated (0.40–0.47) in 5 of the 6
values increased beyond the limits of measurement error
was reduced to Յ5% in each of the clinical centers, and
The percentage of index and contralateral knees
to only 2% overall (Table 3). Notably, of the 15 knees in
in which the automated measurements over 30 months
which manual measurements indicated an increase in
indicated an increase in medial JSW beyond the margin
JSW Ն0.50 mm, the results in 5 were found to have been
of measurement error (i.e., Ն0.50 mm) (11) varied from
due to progression of JSN in the lateral compartment
7% to 41% across the 6 clinical centers, and this increase
that could not have been anticipated at baseline, and the
was seen in 16% of knee radiographs overall (Table 3).
results in 9 were attributable to longitudinal changes in
Substitution of the automated estimate with the manual
knee flexion or rotation that occurred despite the posi-
estimate of %Mag (i.e., the hybrid approach) reduced
tioning standards of the SF-AP protocol.
only moderately the frequency of this type of measure-
The effect of measurement-related error varia-
ment error in estimates of JSN (to 6–23% across the 6
tion in JSN by these 3 approaches on the sample-size
clinical centers and 10% overall). The greatest decrease
requirements for a hypothetical DMOAD trial can be
in the frequency of knees showing significant widening
extrapolated from data from the placebo group of the
Changes in magnification-corrected joint space width (JSW) in the index and contralateral knees, by method of
measurement, in a 30-month, randomized clinical trial of doxycycline versus placebo in knee osteoarthritis
detected would decrease to 424 subjects per treatmentgroup. DISCUSSION
Clinical trials of DMOADs, hindered until re-
cently by the absence of reliable radiographic methodsby which to document structure modification, have beenfacilitated greatly by the development of protocols forstandardizing the position of the knee in serial radio-graphic examinations (1). The SF-AP view was the firstsuch protocol to be described (2). The primary advan-tage of the SF-AP view, compared with conventional
Figure 2. Radiographic images of the magnification marker, a
radiographic methods, was the reproducibility with
6.35-mm steel ball encased in methyl methacrylate, used to correct
which the knee could be positioned and repositioned
measurements of joint space width (JSW) for radiographic magnifica-
under fluoroscopy to achieve parallel alignment of the
tion in the semiflexed, anteroposterior view (2). Upper panels, Re-peated analog images of the stationary marker taken at 70 kVp with a
medial tibial plateau and central x-ray beam (superim-
fixed focal distance, but with varying exposures (in milliampere-
position Ϯ1 mm of the anterior and posterior margins of
seconds). Increasing x-ray penetration burns away the margin of the
marker, resulting in underestimation of the degree of radiographic
In a DMOAD trial, the benefit of reliable radio-
magnification and corresponding overestimation of JSW. A and B,
anatomic positioning of the knee is remarkable precision
Digital radiographic images of the marker. The image shown in B was processed with edge enhancement, which brightened the perimeter but
(i.e., reproducibility in repeated examinations) of esti-
dimmed the interior of the projection. Edge enhancement does not
mates of the minimum JSW in the SF-AP view after the
affect the accuracy of manual measurements of the diameter of the
measurement of the minimum IBD is corrected for
projection. However, it may result in underestimation of the degree of
radiographic magnification (3). In theory, increased
radiographic magnification if digital image analysis relies upon the
precision in serial measurements of JSW should permit
number of unexposed (white) pixels within the perimeter to estimatemagnification.
increased sensitivity to JSN; however, longitudinal stud-ies of the radiographic progression of JSN in knee OAusing highly standardized radiographic methods have yet
present RCT. In the fully automated, serial measure-
to be reported in the literature (1). The choice of
ments of JSW, the mean Ϯ SD JSN over 30 months was
automated measurements of JSW at the outset of this
0.30 Ϯ 0.92 mm (Table 3). Based on these data, if a
trial was predicated on the fact that the original demon-
hypothetical DMOAD trial were designed to have 80%
stration of the reproducibility of the SF-AP view was
power to detect, with a P value Ͻ0.05, a rate of JSN in
based on data derived from digital image analysis of
the active treatment group that was 30% slower than
JSW (3). However, the conclusions of that study and
that in the placebo group, then 1,642 subjects per
those of subsequent reports have been inconsistent with
treatment group would be required. If automated esti-
respect to whether semiautomated measurement soft-
mates of the %Mag were replaced with manual mea-
ware is superior to manual methods with respect to
surements of the diameter of the magnification marker,
reproducibility of JSW estimates and sensitivity to JSN
neither the hybrid measurements of the 30-month JSN
in the placebo group (mean Ϯ SD 0.35 Ϯ 0.99 mm) nor
The data in the present study came from one of
the sample-size requirements (1,397 subjects/group) for
the first clinical DMOAD trials to use the SF-AP view.
the hypothetical DMOAD trial would change apprecia-
This trial was designed to have Ն80% power to detect a
bly. However, because the fully manual estimates of JSN
30% decrease in the rate of JSN in the active treatment
were relatively free of instances of inexplicable widening
group, relative to the placebo group, provided that loss
of the medial joint space, manual estimates of JSN
to followup was less than 15% and that the mean and SD
yielded a larger mean value and smaller SD (mean Ϯ SD
JSN values (a composite of biologic variability and
0.45 Ϯ 0.70 mm) than did the automated or hybrid
measurement error) in the placebo group accrued in
approaches (Table 3). Accordingly, with fully manual
roughly equal proportions over 30 months, as suggested
measurements of JSN, the sample size needed to afford
by the literature (14,15). At the completion of the trial,
80% confidence that a true 30% DMOAD effect will be
the former condition regarding minimal loss to followup
was achieved (16). However, with automated measure-
moot when, during the course of our clinical trial, the
ments, the SD value for JSN in the placebo group at 30
radiology departments in 5 of our 6 clinical centers
months was 3-fold larger than the mean JSN value
converted from analog to digital radiography.
(Table 3), and the power to detect a true DMOAD
The advent of digital radiography posed 2 addi-
effect was only 17%. In contrast, with fully manual
tional problems for measurement of JSN in this trial.
measurements, the increase in mean JSN and concur-
First, in 24% of subjects, JSW was measured in an
rent decrease in between-subject variability of JSN in
analog radiograph at baseline and in a digital radiograph
the placebo group restored much of the intended power
in 1 or both followup examinations. In the remainder of
of the present study (i.e., from 17% to 53%). It should
subjects, all 3 radiographs were either analog (60%) or
be recognized that suboptimal power does not preclude
digital (16%). Second, within the subset of digital radio-
detection of a significant DMOAD effect (17), although
graphs, unanticipated variations were noted with respect
it does increase the risk of failing to detect a true
to whether the printed images were processed with or
DMOAD effect when one exists (Type II error).
without edge enhancement. As noted above, edge en-
We became aware of the potential for excessive
hancement of the digital image of the magnification
error variation in JSN estimates when automated JSW
marker alters its appearance, decreasing the intensity of
measurements from interim (16-month) analog radio-
the interior of the circular projection (Figure 2). Be-
graphs of many of the early enrollees in the trial
cause the subroutine of the measurement software
indicated frequent increases in JSW beyond the limits of
counts only unexposed (white) pixels within the sur-
measurement error (Ն0.50 mm). Visual inspection of
rounding square ROI as representing the magnification
these radiographs rarely confirmed an appreciable in-
marker, dimmed interior pixels are not counted, result-
crease in joint space (due, for example, to a longitudinal
ing in an underestimation of the %Mag and overestima-
change in alignment of the medial tibial plateau or to
tion of the JSW—a result similar to that seen in over-
progression of lateral JSN). In almost all cases, the
penetrated analog radiographs. This problem occurred
increase in JSW obtained with semiautomated measure-
almost exclusively in digital radiographs from a single
ment software was not observed in manual measure-
clinical center, and coincided with the turnover of radi-
ments of the IBD and %Mag. The evaluation of serial
ology technologists who, in the absence of specific
radiographs led to the observation that the worst cases
instructions to the contrary, used or did not use edge
of a false increase in JSW occurred in pairs of images in
enhancement according to their individual professional
which the followup radiograph was notably darker than
the baseline member of the pair. This prompted an
In general clinical practice, a moderate degree of
investigation into whether uncontrolled, longitudinal
irreversible edge enhancement is applied routinely to
variations in x-ray penetration compromised the capac-
the raw digital image prior to reproduction on film or
ity of the magnification-correction subroutine of the
electronic display. Unfortunately, many image process-
measurement software to estimate the %Mag. We found
ing techniques are nonlinear and the processing algo-
that overpenetration irretrievably “burned away” the
rithms are proprietary, making it virtually impossible to
margin of the radiographic image of the marker, causing
reverse the processing in order to make measurements
a spurious reduction in size as measured by the com-
from the original “raw” untransformed image. Although
puter software, and resulting in underestimation of the
it is now possible to save digital copies of the original
%Mag and corresponding overestimation of the JSW
untransformed image data, this capability did not exist at
(Figure 2); indeed, variations in exposure altered the
the beginning of our RCT, when analog radiographs
automated estimate of %Mag by as much as 20% (7).
were routine. In addition, to maintain consistency of
We also showed that adjustment of the %Mag for
study procedures, all images analyzed in this RCT,
the optical density of the analog radiograph in the black
regardless of acquisition method (e.g., analog or digital),
area surrounding the marker (a surrogate for x-ray
were digitized from filmed images prior to determina-
penetration) could counteract this confounder to a
significant degree (7). Other investigators also have
Although the many sources of variation in
recognized this problem in analog radiographs and
magnification-related error in measurements of JSW
developed a remedy based on adjustment of the sensi-
may have been remedied to an acceptable degree by use
tivity of the film digitizer (Beary J: personal communi-
of specific approaches (e.g., manual measurement of the
cation). However, solutions to the limited problem of
%Mag in edge-enhanced digital radiographs, adjust-
magnification correction in analog radiographs became
ment of the %Mag in analog radiographs for optical
density), it was axiomatic that all measurements of JSW
the knee have been described (4,5,18). However, only
in this RCT be obtained by a single, reproducible
the Lyon schuss protocol (18) uses fluoroscopy to
method. Accordingly, we obtained a parallel set of
achieve parallel radioanatomic alignment of the medial
manual measurements of JSW carried out in accordance
tibial plateau and central x-ray beam, with a frequency in
with the method of Lequesne (10), and determined that
serial examinations comparable with that seen with the
automated and manual measurements of JSW in SF-AP
SF-AP view. Parallel radioanatomic alignment of the
radiographic views possess comparably high intra- and
medial tibial plateau is the only element of positioning
interrater reproducibility (Table 1). Whereas the 2
that is consistently related to sensitivity in detection of
methods produced highly correlated measurements of
JSN in knee OA (15,19). For this reason, the Lyon
the minimum IBD, estimates of the %Mag by the 2
schuss view has been demonstrated to be more sensitive
methods were only moderately correlated. Magnifica-
to JSN than the conventional standing AP view on
tion correction of the automated measurement of IBD
with manual estimates of the %Mag (the hybrid ap-proach) yielded only a small improvement in the overallsensitivity of serial JSW measurements to JSN, com-
pared with the fully automated approach (Table 3). The
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Based on the above analyses, we concluded that
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Pharmaceutical analysis and Quality control Ph-343 Submitted to: Submitted by: Date of submission: 20 – 02 - 07 APPLICATIONS OF HPLC 1.The wide verity of packing materials allows the separation ofmost chemical species. Chemical Separations can be accomplished using HPLC by utilizing the fact that certain compounds have differentmigration rates given a particular co
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