Federal Contracts Report™
Reproduced with permission from Federal Contracts Report, 100 FCR 100, 07/22/2013. Copyright 2013 by TheBureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) http://www.bna.com
View From Brown Rudnick: Welcome to the 21st Century—Electronic Submissionof Proposals and the FAR’s ‘Late is Late’ Rule
last century—are applied to modern computer technol-ogy.’’ Judge Allegra feigned surprise that the same
agency that would encourage offerors to submit propos-
How do federal agencies deal with 21st Century als electronically would turn around and spring ‘‘tech-
technology when applying rules written in the last
nological traps’’ on its contracting partners.
century? How do courts apply those old rules?
In Insight Systems, two bidders who took up USAID
What is the impact on contractors? These questions all
on its offer to submit proposals electronically found
too frequently arise in the context of electronic submis-
themselves in the wrong century. The offerors submit-
sion of proposals, as noted by at least one judge at the
ted their proposals by email, and even though their
emails had been sent by them and received and ac-
On May 6, 2013, the Court of Federal Claims issued a
cepted by USAID’s email server prior to the submission
decision resolving two bid protest cases filed by con-
deadline, the emails were not forwarded to the next
tractors whose proposals had been rejected as late by
server in USAID’s mail system before that deadline. So,
the contracting officer rejected the proposals as un-
(‘‘USAID’’). See Insight Systems Corp. v. U.S., Nos. 12-
863C and 12-883C (May 6, 2013). That decision by
USAID’s lawyers argued that ‘‘late is late’’ and re-
Judge Allegra forces federal agencies to act like it’s the
fused to apply the ‘‘government control’’ exception to
21st Century when applying exceptions to the ‘‘late is
that rule. USAID maintained that if a solicitation speci-
late’’ rule with regard to electronic submission of pro-
fied that proposals should be submitted to a particular
email account, a proposal must be received in that cus-
The court framed the issue as follows: ‘‘Coming be-
todian’s inbox for the offer to be timely received. Judge
fore this court, with disturbing frequency, are bid pro-
Allegra pointed to the absurdity of USAID’s position
tests that find defendant straining to defend agency de-
that ‘‘a proposal is late, even if it is successfully and it-
cisions to reject, as purportedly late, proposals submit-
eratively processed through several agency mail serv-
ted by contractors electronically.’’ The judge explained:
ers, if the last of those servers delays the delivery of the
‘‘These cases somewhat painfully illustrate the thorny
email to the recipient’s inbox.’’ Or, as USAID contended
issues that can arise when the outmoded provisions in
at oral argument, ‘‘a proposal would be late if . . . the
the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) governing the
email was not distributed to the recipient’s inbox be-
delivery of electronic proposals—which date back to the
cause he or she had turned off their computer beforethe deadline and did not reboot until the deadlinepassed.’’ Under USAID’s logic, if the contracting offi-
Kenneth Weckstein is a partner in Brown
cer’s ‘‘email program experienced a loss of network
Rudnick’s Government Contracts & Litigation
connectivity, an internal programming error, a failure
Group. He represents clients on matters
of the associated hardware, or one of a host of other
related to government contracts, complex civil
problems’’ that could affect the program’s ability to re-
litigation, and trade secrets law. Michael
ceive email, the proposal would have to be rejected as
Maloney is counsel in Brown Rudnick’s Con-tracts & Litigation Group. He has represented
What about the ‘‘government control’’ exception
clients in matters ranging from defense
found at FAR § 52.212-1(f)(2)(i), which states the ‘‘late
against multimillion dollar claims for breach
is late’’ rule does not apply if ‘‘there is acceptable evi-
of contract to pursuit of claims for misap-
dence to establish that it was received at the govern-
ment installation designated for receipt of offers andwas under the government’s control prior to the time
set for receipt of offers?’’ Judge Allegra rejected
be interpreted in a way that is consistent with the prin-
USAID’s argument that this exception could not apply
ciples of general commercial law and model rules.’’
Judge Allegra’s decision applies common sense. If an
transmissions cannot be ‘received’ at a government ‘in-
agency invites offerors to submit proposals electroni-
stallation’ so as to trigger the exception.’’ The court had
cally, it should be prepared to receive the proposals
no difficulty with the dictionary definitions of those
electronically. And, if the agency puts up a roadblock to
terms and concluded that ‘‘much like a mail room or
receipt of the electronic submission, it bears responsi-
other depository in a building, to which paper propos-
bility for the submission being late. Here, it was quite
als can be delivered—a server controlled by the govern-
obvious that the email submission was in the control of
ment most certainly can be an ‘installation’ that re-
the government before the time for receipt of proposals.
Why then did USAID refuse to accept the proposal?
The court also criticized USAID’s position for the im-
Maybe the answer is that there was no clear direction
pact its interpretation would have on the FAR, leaving
in the FAR and the agency did not want competing of-
the FAR’s ‘‘rules out of harmony with the commercial
ferors to complain about the acceptance of a late pro-
rules generally applied to electronic transmissions.’’
posal. As Judge Allegra noted, the rules concerning
The court specifically pointed to the Uniform Electronic
timely submission of proposals and the delivery of elec-
Transactions Act, see Uniform Law Comm’n, Uniform
tronic submissions ‘‘date back to the last century.’’ It
Elec. Transactions Act § 15b (1999). The judge rea-
looks like the time has come for a rewrite. Welcome to
soned that courts have long held that the FAR ‘‘should
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