Exam topics – 2012/2013

Exam topics – ENGLISH
3rd exam period: 8 – 19 April, 2013
Group B2 (Tuesday - Thursday 13:00 – 15:00) Teacher - Thessi (if you have any questions: thessi@freemail.hu,)
Date and time
Written part:
UV (written and/or oral) 18 April, Thursday, 9:00 - hopefully won’t be needed
Written part
o parts of a house, names of furniture, o names of school subjects o and from the readings and exercises on pages: 11, 12, 15, 19, 21, 30, 31, 41, 43, 44, 45, 56, 57 – Book: The Finals, Light ) • Reading (3 tasks with comprehension exercises) • Use of English – recommended sites to practice: o expressing habits, routines – simple present tense, adverbs of manner, place and time “We soon agreed finally to meet at the cinema at 7.30.”
o comparison – “as tall as…”, “a little / far / a lot / slightly / not much taller than…”, “the tallest” o modals – can, can’t, could, couldn’t, should, shouldn’t, have to, must, don’t have to, mustn’t, may, may not, might, might not o gerund vs. infinitive –
Use gerund:
1. after certain verbs, e.g. like, dislike, enjoy, hate, etc.
She enjoys taking her dog for a walk.
2. when it’s the subject (alany) of the sentence
Taking her dog for a walk is her favorite free time activity.
3. after prepositions
She often dreams about taking her dog for a walk.
Use infinitive
1. after certain verbs, e.g. want, try, decide, promise, would like, etc.
She wants to take her dog for a walk.
2. when it expresses the reason why we do something (célhatározói
She arrived home earlier to take her dog for a walk.
3. after adjectives (melléknév)
It always makes her happy to take her dog for a walk.

• Writing (1 short email, 1 longer letter) o Description of house o Giving information about school rules o Comment on habits of Hungarians o Comment on school rules o Gap year programs o Healthy lifestyle • Short questions – short answers (you’ll have to answer 5 questions)
About you:
How did you get your name?
How many first cousins do you have?
Do you look more like your mother or your father?
Who in your extended family lives the farthest away from your home?
Where did you go for your most memorable family holiday?
What are the typical morning rituals in Hungary? What are yours?
What are some important differences between your daily routine and those of your
parents or even grandparents?
Do you get a full night’s sleep on a regular basis?
Do you ever have any caffeine after lunch?
Do you have a healthy diet? Describe it.
Do you have any scars? When and how did you get it?
Do you have any allergies?
What do you do if you can’t get to sleep?
Do you have a lot of stress?
When was the last time you went to a hospital?
About school
Would you like to go to university straight after secondary school?
What are the possibilities for students if they want to work?
What are some of the rules you couldn’t agree with in your school(s)?
What is a gap year? What would you like to do during a gap year?

o suggesting healthy lifestyle to a friend (diet, sleeping habits, sports, o talking about redecoration (color, ornaments, how to arrange furniture – • Description of pictures and talk about related topic (you’ll have to pick 1) o Houses, rooms o Schools – normal, alternative (timetable, grades, exams, after-class programs)/ education system in Hungary (from nursery to university)

Source: http://www.beltanoda.hu/tetelek2013_3negyed/angol/B2_Thessi.pdf

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