Detailed Program Description for ACVD Website
Clinical and Investigative Dermatology Residency Dermatology Service Veterinary Health Complex 2. Is the program currently on ACVD Probation? No If yes, please describe the reasons for probation, what is being done to correct them and when the program is scheduled to be off probation? Thierry Olivry, DrVet, PhD, DipACVD, DipECVD Petra Bizikova, MVDr, PhD, DipACVD, DipECVD 4. Specific requirements for applying to the program: none, but preference is normally given to applicants with a proven track-record or desire to embark on a future academic career. 6. Is a Masters degree or PhD required? No, but residents are strongly encouraged to pursue a PhD after their residency if a tenure-track academic career is considered 7. When the residency was first offered? Late 1980’s 8. Has it been continuous since then? No If not continuous, what years was the residency offered? The program was continuous except when interrupted for one-year dermatology internships that were offered in lieu of a dermatology residency in 2001-2002 and 2005-2006. Two of the four interns who pursued their training with residencies (one at the NCSU, one at the U Illinois) and finished the programs, became doubled-boarded by both the ACVD and ECVD at first examination sitting. The remaining two interns are still in their residency training. One is pursuing his training in dermatology private practice with NCSU being involved in the academic portion and research, and the other one is at the University of Liverpool, England. The most recent residency position (2011-2013) was under the ECVD but not ACVD umbrella. 9. How many residents have been accepted into the program since inception? 10. Two residents had their program changed to an internship because of inadequate performance. 10. How many of these have become board certified dermatologists? 8. Two became double boarded by the ACVD and ECVD at the first examination sitting. 11. What is the average annual dermatology caseload for the institution over the past 5 years? ______________ cases per year? See below  Numbers obtained from electronic medical record information  Average 
# Visits 
# Cases 
# New Cases 
# Consults 
12. What is the average total caseload seen the entire residency? cases ( average cases annually times the number of years of residency) Our last two residents each saw around ~250 different cases per year (our current resident has seen 405 cases during his first year of residency already) 13. On average, how many new patients, rechecks and consults does the program see per year? (give these in actual numbers of cases) 14. On average, what percentage of the program’s cases are dogs and cats? 15. On average, how many exotic, equine and farm animal cases does the program see per year? Exotic: < 1% Equine: < 3% Farm animals: < 1% 16. What percentage of time is the mentor in clinics with the resident while the resident is seeing cases during the resident’s first year: 100% second: 100% and third: 100% (This means that the mentor is either physically seeing patients with the resident or can be contacted by phone and available to see the case within one hour of being called.) 17. Does the program have access to other specialists? Yes  small animal internal medicine, soft-tissue surgery, orthopedic surgery, oncology, neurology, cardiology, critical care, dentistry, emergency, ophthalmology, nutrition, theriogenology, behavior  equine surgery, medicine, ophthalmology  food animal medicine  exotic medicine  anesthesia, radiology, radiation therapy  pathology, clinical pathology, clinical pharmacology 18. Please describe your library access: we have full access to an on-site library with extensive online journal subscriptions. NC State libraries are members of a consortium with other local universities – two of them being medical schools – so that articles not immediately available in print or online can be requested via a web-based form (“TripSaver”) and will be sent free-of-charge to the requester within 2-3 business days. 19. Does the program have statistical support for their residents’ research projects? Yes, support is provided by mentors or statistician associated with the university as needed. 20. Does the program have direct access to any basic science or clinical science laboratories that the resident can use for research proposes? Yes If yes, please describe the types of laboratories available and interactions that the resident may have with them. Two of the mentors supervise a fully equipped research laboratory focused on immunology investigations and cloning. Three research technicians are available to support the resident’s project. 21. How often do the residents and mentors have the following rounds? (For each type of rounds, please list how often they are held, how long each session is, and a detailed description of how they are conducted.) a. Case rounds: Daily – all new and recheck cases are discussed during the first year of the program. During the 2nd and 3rd year, only new cases are reviewed and rechecks are discussed whenever the need arises. b. Journal club: Three Thursdays per month, outside of holidays, journal club is held for 1hr 45 minutes. Four articles are reviewed each time. Three to four board-certified dermatologists attend. c. Histopathology training: We have weekly (Thursdays, outside of holidays) dermatopathology rounds held at a 10-headed scope with video projection. The session lasts 1.5 hour. In-house and external cases are discussed and a clinico-pathological discussion is held for all in-house cases. Between 2-4 board-certified pathologists, 3-4 board-certified dermatologists and 2-5 residents will routinely attend these rounds. A board-certified dermatopathologist (Keith Linder, DVM, PhD, DipACVP) also supervises dermatopathology training for the board-preparation. d. Basic science learning rounds: Dermatology residents meet with Dr. Olivry or Dr. Bizikova at least three hours per month for discussion of basic foundations of dermatology. Additional supervision is provided for grant writing, project management and abstract and paper writing whenever it is needed. 22. Resident’s benefits: (Please give a general list of benefits and then whom a potential candidate should contact to get more specific information on salary and benefit packages) In 2011, the salary was $30,000 per annum + health insurance Resident receives 12 paid vacation and 12 sick days per year, pro-rated during the first year of employment. In addition, there are approximately 10 paid holidays each year. 23. Does the program allow the resident to attend the NAVDF (North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum) meeting annually? Yes 24. Does the program pay for the resident to attend the NAVDF meeting annually? It depends upon the availability of funding; we paid for such congress (or the ECVD one) continuously for the last decade. 25. Average number of days a resident will spend on clinics per month: 3.5 days/week 26. Average number of days a resident will spend on non-clinical pursuits per month (not including Sundays or holidays): At least one day per week + Saturdays 27. Does the resident have to take general medicine emergency duty? No 28. Does the resident take Dermatology emergency duty? No, but the resident is on week- end dermatology emergency consult back-up to provide help to on-site emergency clinicians. 29. Is time allotted for externships in other subspecialties or at other dermatology 30. How much time is allotted off clinics for board preparation? The resident is expected to embark on a continuous studying schedule aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and board preparation. There is no specific time given for board studies at the end of the program, but the resident can bank his/her vacation time and reallocate his/her schedule if a block of time off is preferred instead of one or more weekday(s) each week. 31. How much time is allotted to carry out a research project (grant writing, data collection, paper preparation) during the residency (please report in number of weeks)? The resident has one day per week off clinics. In addition, extra time off will be given for timely completion of the research project if needed. 32. What are the other responsibilities/duties of the resident? Participation in student 33. How many residents has the program had over the past 10 years? 3 How many/what percentage of the above residents (question 32) passed credentials on the b. Second submission c. Third submission or more d. Never passed credentials 34. How many/what percentage of the above residents (question 32) sat boards for the first a. The year they finished their residency b. One year after finishing their residency c. Two or more years after finishing 35. How many / what percentage of the above residents (question 32) passed the board c. Third time or more taking the exam d. Never passed 36. Is your residency program reviewed by an outside committee at your university? 37. Please list the papers published by your last 5 residents. This list is limited to papers relevant to the residents’ work at NCSU while a resident: As First Authors:
2008-2011: Ursula Oberkirchner, DrMedVet, DipACVD, DipECVD Oberkirchner U, Linder KE, Olivry T. Promeris-triggered pemphigus foliaceus in two
dogs: case reports and recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Veterinary
Medicine 2011; 106; 284-293.
Oberkirchner U, Linder KE, Olivry T. Successful treatment of a novel generalized
variant of canine discoid lupus erythematosus with oral hydroxychloroquine.
Veterinary Dermatology 2012; 23: 65-e16.
Oberkirchner U, Linder KE, Dunston SM, Bizikova P, Olivry T.
Metaflumizone/amitraz (Promeris)-associated pustular acantholytic dermatitis in 22
Dogs: Evidence suggests contact drug-triggered pemphigus foliaceus. Veterinary
Dermatology 2011; 22; 436-48.
Oberkirchner U, Linder KE, Zadrozny L, Olivry T. 2010. Successful treatment of
canine necrolytic migratory erythema (superficial necrolytic dermatitis) due to
metastatic glucagonoma with octreotide. Veterinary Dermatology 21: 510-6.
2006-2008: Petra Bizikova, MVDr, PhD, DipACVD, DipECVD Bizikova P, Linder KE, Olivry T. 2010. Effect of a novel topical diester glucocorticoid
spray on immediate and late phase cutaneous allergic reactions in Maltese-Beagle
atopic dogs: a placebo-controlled study. Veterinary Dermatology 21: 70-9.
Bizikova P, Papich MG, Olivry T. 2008. Hydroxyzine and cetirizine pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics after oral and intravenous administration of hydroxyzine to
healthy dogs. Veterinary Dermatology19: 348-57.
Bizikova P, Linder KE, Suter S, van Wettere A, Olivry T. 2009. Canine cutaneous
epitheliotropic T-cell lymphoma with vesicobullous lesions resembling human bullous
mycosis fungoides. Veterinary Dermatology 20: 281-8.
2003-2005: Kathy Tater, DVM, DipACVD Tater KC, Jackson HA, Paps J, Hammerberg B. 2005. Effects of routine prophylactic
vaccination or administration of aluminum adjuvant alone on allergen-specific serum
IgE and IgG responses in allergic dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research 66:
1998-2001: Christine Rivierre, DrVet, MSpVM, DipACVD, DipECVD Rivierre C, Dunston SM, Olivry T. 2000. Effects of a 1 per cent hydrocortisone
conditioner on the prevention of immediate and late-phase reactions in canine skin.
Veterinary Record 147: 739-42.
Rivierre C, Olivry T. 1999. Dermite exfoliative paranéoplasique associée à un
thymome chez un chat: résolution des symptômes après thymectomie (Paraneoplastic
exfoliative dermatitis and thymoma in a cat: remission of symptoms following
thymectomy). Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale des Animaux de Compagnie 34: 531-
Rivierre C, Olivry T. 2001. Nouvelles dermatoses auto-immunes du chien et du chat –
Première partie: maladies ayant pour cible le follicule pileux et les kératinocytes basaux
(new autoimmune skin diseases of dogs and cats – first part: diseases targeting hair
follicles and basal keratinocytes). Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale des Animaux de
Compagnie 36:635-44.
1995-1998: Marcy Murphy, DVM, DipACVD Murphy KM, Olivry T. 2000. Comparison of T-lymphocyte proliferation in canine
epitheliotropic lymphosarcoma and benign lymphocytic dermatoses. Veterinary
Dermatology 11: 99-105.
1995-1998: Anne Hinn, DVM, DipACVD Hinn AC, Olivry T, Luther PB, Cannon AG, Yager JA. 1998. Erythema multiforme,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis in the dog: clinical
classification, drug exposure and histopathological correlations. Journal of Veterinary
Allergy and Clinical Immunology 6: 13-20.
As Co-Authors:
2006-2008: Petra Bizikova, MVDr, PhD, DipACVD, DipECVD Olivry T, Bizikova P. 2010. A systematic review of the evidence of reduced
allergenicity and clinical benefit of food hydrolysates in dogs with cutaneous adverse
food reactions. Veterinary Dermatology 21: 31-40
Olivry T, Paps JS, Bizikova P, Murphy KM, Jackson HA, Zebala J. 2007. A pilot trial
evaluating the efficacy of low dose aminopterin in the canine homologue of human
atopic dermatitis. British Journal of Dermatology 157: 1040-3
Olivry T, Bizikova P, Dunston SM, Bond R, Halliwell REW, Loeffler A, Pucheu-
Haston CM, Chen M, Marinkovich MP. Clinical and immunological heterogeneity of
canine subepidermal blistering dermatoses with anti-laminin-332 (laminin-5) auto-
antibodies. Veterinary Dermatology 2010; 21: 345-57.
2003-2005: Kathy Tater, DVM, DipACVD Olivry T, Jackson HA, Murphy KM, Tater KC, Roberts M. 2005. Evaluation of a
point-of-care immunodot assay for predicting results of allergen-specific intradermal
and immunoglobulin E serological tests. Veterinary Dermatology 16: 117-20.
1998-2001: Christine Rivierre, DrVet, MSpVM, DipACVD, DipECVD Olivry T, Rivierre C, Jackson HA, Murphy KM, Davidson G, Sousa CA. 2002.
Cyclosporine decreases skin lesions and pruritus in dogs with atopic dermatitis: a
blinded randomized prednisolone controlled trial. Veterinary Dermatology 13: 77-87.
Olivry T, Rivierre C, Murphy KM. 2003. Efficacy of cyclosporine for treatment
induction of canine pemphigus foliaceus. Veterinary Record 152: 53-4.
Olivry T, Dunston SM, Rivierre C, Jackson HA, Murphy KM, Peters E, Dean GA.
2003. A randomized controlled trial of misoprostol monotherapy for canine atopic
dermatitis: effects on dermal cellularity and cutaneous tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
Veterinary Dermatology 14: 37-46.
38. Names of your last 5 residents and whether they are willing to be contacted by potential residents: As substantial changes were made in this NCSU dermatology residency program’s faculty and organization, this lists only residents who finished their program in the last 10 years:  2008-2011: Ursula Oberkirchner, DrMedVet, DipACVD, DipECVD  2006-2008: Petra Bizikova, MVDr, PhD, DipACVD, DipECVD  2003-2005: Kathy Tater, DVM, DipACVD  1998-2001: Christine Rivierre, DrVet, MSpVM, DipACVD, DipECVD



THE PSYCHOLOGIST-MANAGER JOURNAL, 2005, 8 (1), 17–28Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Psychologists in Management California School of Organizational Studies This article reviews the role of organizational diagnosis in managerial and organiza-tional consultative roles. The particular contributions of Harry Levinson are high-lighted. The ways in which Levinson, a pioneering clinical psycholo

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