1.1 Product Name:
1.2 Company:
Sonnenschein Lithium GmbHIndustriestr. 22D-63654 BüdingenTelephone: +49(0)6042/81-517, Fax -523 1.3 Emergency Telephone Number:
________________________________________________________________________________ Composition/Information on Ingredients
Reacts violently with water liberating extremely flammable gases Important Note: The material in this section may only represent a hazard if the integrity of
the battery is compromised, or if the battery is physically or electricallyabused.
________________________________________________________________________________ Hazards Identification
Fire, explosion, and severe, burn hazard. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above100 °C (series SL-500: 145 °C), incinerate, or expose contents to water.
Protection from charging:
Whenever lithium batteries are not the single power source in a circuit the following measures
recommended by Underwriters Laboratories are relevant. The cells should not be connected in series
with an electrical power source that would increase the forward current through the cells.
The circuit for these cells shall include one of the following:
A. Two suitable diodes or the equivalent in series with the cells to prevent any reverse (charging)
current. The second diode is used to provide protection in the event that one should fail.
Quality control, or equivalent procedures, shall be established by the device manufacturer to ensure the diode polarity is correct for each unit, B. A blocking diode or the equivalent to prevent any reverse (charging) current and a resistor to limit current in case of a diode failure. The resistor should be sized to limit the reverse (charging) current to the maximums given in the data sheets.
First Aid Measures
Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Ifsymptoms are present after flushing, get medical attention.
Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes andget medical attention.
With large quantities and irritation of the respiratory tract medicalsurveillance for 48 hours.
Immediately inhale Cortisone Spray, e.g. Pulmicort.
Remove particles of lithium from skin as rapidly as possible.
Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes andget medical attention.
Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes andget immediate medical attention.
________________________________________________________________________________ Fire - fighting measures
• Copious amounts of cold water is an effective extinguishing medium for lithium batteries.
Do not use warm water or hot water.
• Lith-X (Class D extinguishing media) is effective on fires involving only a few lithium • Do not use CO2 or Halon type extinguishers.
• Dry chemical type extinguishers have limited extinguishing potential • Use a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus if batteries are involved in a • Full protective clothing is necessary.
• During water application caution is advised as burning pieces of lithium may be ejected Accidental release measures
When the battery housing is damaged, small amounts of electrolyte may leak. Seal battery air tight in aplastic bag, adding some chalk (CaCO3) or lime (CaO) powder or Vermiculite. Electrolyte traces maybe wiped off dryly using household paper. Rinse with water afterwards.
________________________________________________________________________________ Handling and Storage
Do not allow terminals to short-circuit.
Storage preferably in a cool (below 21 °C), dry area that is subject to little temperature change.
Do not place near heating equipment, nor expose to direct sunlight for long periods. Elevatedtemperatures can result in reduced battery service life.
________________________________________________________________________________ Exposure controls / personal protection
________________________________________________________________________________ Physical and chemical properties
________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Stability and reactivity
May rupture violently when heated above 145 °C or when charged.
________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Toxicological information
Not applicablePrefer to information under point 2.
________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Ecological information
The batteries do not contain mercury, cadmium or other heavy metals.
________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Disposal Considerations
Dispose by incineration or burial at permitted waste treatment and/or disposal sites.
Batteries do not contain hazardous materials according to EC directives 91/157/EEC and For large quantities a disposal service is offered upon request.
14. Transport information
Lithium batteries UN No. 3090, class 9Lithium batteries contained in equipment UN No. 3091, class 9.
Most Sonnenschein Lithium batteries are not restricted with respect to transportation and can beshipped via any carrier provided they are separated from each other in the package so as to preventshorting and are packed in strong outside packaging, except when installed in electronic devices.
A list of batteries that are subjected to transport restrictions can be obtained from SonnenscheinLithium.
________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Regulatory information
________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Other information
• Sonnenschein Lithium Batteries are registered by Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, - Sonnenschein Lithium Product Data Catalogue- Sonnenschein Lithium Technical Brochure.
• For lithium batteries in general, Safety standard IEC 60086-4 applies. It contains detailed recommendations for manufacturers of equipment and users.
_________________________The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as asupplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of the suitability andcompleteness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety andhealth of employees and customers.


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