John Lloyd-Jones, Approved to provide legal advice and representation to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic pro bono Panel.
“A very good choice of barrister, with exceptional skills across the board; preparation, communication, client care and, of course, advocacy” Joanne Goddard, Solicitor & Crown Court Department Manager, Bains Solicitors.
John Lloyd–Jones is Head of the 36 Bedford Row Criminal Team. He is one of the most highly experienced, in–demand Criminal Barristers defending and prosecuting (Grade 4) on the Midland and South Eastern Circuits. Over the past 4 years his practice has become increasingly specialized divided between serious sexual offences; serious offences of violence; and multi–handed drugs conspiracies, money laundering and the confiscation of the proceeds of crime. John has established himself as the Counsel of first choice, for Defence Solicitors and Crown Prosecutors alike, in the trickier, more awkward cases requiring careful handling, where the Defendant, for example, might be a local Solicitor, a well–known psychiatrist, the son of a CPS employee, a serving Police Officer or a Paratrooper who has stolen medals from his comrades. John’s reputation for meticulous case preparation sees him regularly instructed, again by both Defence and Prosecution, in the more complex cases where the weight of the evidence, or the issues, demand
tireless attention to detail and outstanding advocacy.
R v Hartles & others (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Known as the “Super Gran” robbery case. Defendant and co-Defendants, all from North London and some with previous convictions for similar smash & grab robberies, execute carefully planned attack upon prominent local jewellers. Defendant and another recce location and then wait nearby in the crowd watching and reporting back by phone to principal who was elsewhere. In broad daylight six co-Defendants arrive on pre-stolen motorbikes and scooters and then proceed to smash holes in shop windows with sledge-hammers. Jewellery and watches worth over £110,000 taken. Attack thwarted, in part, by intervention of elderly member of the public with handbag. Pleas to Conspiracy to Burgle entered after application to dismiss charge of Conspiracy to Burgle. Incident filmed by amateur cameraman. R v Voraji and others (2010; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Conspiracy to Kidnap and Conspiracy to Falsely Imprison. Defendant (31; good character) and numerous co-Defendants (members of extended family) charged with kidnapping female relative who had left family home after affair with a married man. Complainant taken from the street, held in Leicester and then driven to Bolton. Later released unharmed. Acceptable guilty pleas and suspended sentence.
R v Lee Harris & others (OP Zara) - (2010; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant (with seven co-Defendants) charged with Conspiracy to Burgle. Between November 2008 and October 2009 the gang burgled or attempted to burgle twenty- five branches of Corals Bookmakers in various towns and cities up and down the country. Entry was gained by brute force; safes within the premises where removed intact, carried away by car or van to secluded locations where they were smashed open and the contents taken. The stolen safes contained various amounts of cash, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand pounds. In total over £65,000 cash was stolen and damage amounting to a further £60,000 was caused. R v MacAlister & another (2010; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) ‘Traveller’ tarmacing conspiracy. Defendant and others laying, to very poor standard, tarmac on tracks and roads leading to isolated Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire farms. Later, accomplice demanding substantial sums, in cash, from farmers. Serious threats made to farmers, their families, their livestock and property. Seven day trial. Defendant acquitted of Conspiracy to Blackmail but convicted of Conspiracy to Steal. R v Guildford & others (2009; Defending; Worcester Crown Court) Multi-handed conspiracies to commit Arson and Blackmail. Vulnerable residents of mobile home park targeted for threats and intimidation as part of plan by new owners (travellers) to have them vacate premises so that site could be sold. Defendant hired to commit contract Arson on static caravan. Guilty plea to
Conspiracy to commit simple Arson; acquitted, after two week trial, of Blackmail Conspiracy. Sentence (6 years 8 months) successfully reduced on appeal to 5 years 5 months (R v Tully & others [2009] EWCA Crim 2825). DRUGS
I now prosecute and defend the more senior players in the bigger drugs conspiracies. R v Damion Munn (2010; Prosecuting; Nottingham Crown Court) Substantial quantities of cocaine, heroin and mixing agents found at Defendant’s flat along with silencer and numerous rounds of different calibre ammunition. On late pleas of guilty (day of trial) sentenced to 4 years 9 months. I advised that sentence was unduly lenient; case referred; Court of Appeal increased sentence to 8 years. Attorney General’s Reference (No.59 of 2010) [2011] 2 Cr.App.R.(S.) 43 R v Thomas Murray & others (OP Guinness) – (2009/2010; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Large, multi-handed class A drugs conspiracy uncovered by East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU). National dealing but also plans to import multi-kilo amounts of cocaine (22kg seized in Antwerp) into UK from Europe (by light aircraft drops into Kent – full dummy run undertaken) and, inter alia, to import BMK
(principal chemical precursor for manufacture of amphetamine sulphate) from China. Defendant (long history of involvement in cigarette and alcohol smuggling and with numerous European contacts) accused of organising logistics for delivery, including reconnoitring airfields in England, Holland and Belgium. Guilty plea entered, on receiving an indication (12 years), in ninth week of trial. R v Binham & others (OP Lancer) - (2009; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Another EMSOU operation - class A & B drugs conspiracies. Defendant (recently released from serving 13 years of 20 year sentence for armed Robbery). R v Kohanzad & others (2009; Prosecuting; Derby Crown Court) Prosecuting premises owner (vexatious litigant) and Vietnamese workers involved in Derbyshire’s biggest cannabis farm (annual turnover of between £750,000 and £1m). R v Alli & others (2006/2007; Defending; Leicester Crown Court) Defending courier in heroin conspiracies (national and international). 4 week legal argument (entrapment and RIPA issues). R v Bell (2007; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Cocaine conspiracy - extensive covert surveillance of Defendant and associates. Operation Harrier (2002-2004; Prosecuting; Peterborough & other Crown Courts) Between 2002 and 2004 I was retained by Cambridgeshire CPS to prosecute nearly 150 Defendants arrested as a result of a year long undercover and test- purchase operation targeting the class A drugs trade in Peterborough (Operation Harrier). I became involved during the operational stage and advised during the
arrest, interview and charge stages. With a CPS Higher Court Advocate I prosecuted all the Defendants through the Magistrates Court and into the Crown Court. I prosecuted most of the smaller Crown Court trials myself and was led in the two larger conspiracies (a six-hander and an eleven-hander). As Junior in the two larger cases I had to distil thousands of pages of evidence into chronologies and schedules. Due to the unavailability of my Leader I prosecuted alone the final Defendant (represented by Leader and Junior) from the eleven-hander (she had absconded pre-trial).
I have established myself as the Counsel of first choice, for Defence Solicitors and Crown Prosecutors alike, in the trickier, more awkward cases requiring careful handling, where the Defendant, for example, might be a local Solicitor, a well-known psychiatrist, the son of a CPS employee, a serving Police Officer or a Paratrooper who has stolen medals from his comrades. R v Rogers (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant, at the time a Corporal with the Parachute Regiment based in Colchester, stole campaign medals from his comrades (some of whom were on
active service in Afghanistan) and sold them on eBay. He also stole military-issue body armour, pyrotechnics, 9mm ammunition and electric detonators. R v Patel & others (OP Queen 1 & 2) - (2008/2009; Prosecuting; Leicester Crown Court) Prosecuting two multi-handed frauds – “inside job” mobile phone handset and airtime fraud at Carphone Warehouse and fraudulent loan application scam involving Barclaycard. One of the Defendants (represented by QC) was son of CPS employee. R v B (2008; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Defending local Solicitor charged with s.20 and Dangerous Driving arising out of serious road traffic accident. Police v Dr S (2008; Defending; Market Harborough Magistrates Court) Defending highly renowned Consultant Psychiatrist accused of careless driving. R v Williams (2008; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Perverting the Course of Justice. Defendant (gay porn actor/HIV positive) offers bribe to witness who alleged (unsubstantiated) that Defendant had had unprotected anal intercourse. DPP v Dykes (2008; Prosecuting; Administrative Court) For the DPP. Appeal by way of case stated – racially aggravated threatening behaviour. [2008] EWHC 2775 (Admin), [2009] Crim. L.R. 449 R v Hardy (2006; Defending; Derby Crown Court) Serving Police Officer. Misfeasance in Public Office (information from PNC provided to criminal). Sentence subject of Attorney General’s Reference
(Attorney General’s Reference (No.1 of 2007) [2007] 2 Cr.App.R.(S.) 86).
R v Sangha (2004; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Defending local Criminal Solicitor charged with Perverting the Course of Justice (providing false alibi to cousin accused of breaking a man’s kneecap with baseball bat). Trial. FIREARMS & EXPLOSIVES
My Army background has seen me instructed, from an early stage, in firearms and explosive cases. I was led (HH Judge Blacksell QC) in R v Ivor Jones & others [1997] 1 Cr.App.R. 46 (s.16 Firearms Act 1968) and (HH Judge Stokes QC) in R v Avis & others [1998] 1 Cr.App.R. 420 (sentencing guidelines for firearms offences). R v Peaks (2011; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Defendant made working Improvised Explosive Device using shotgun cartridges with intent to use it to take his own life. R v Taylor (2010; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Defendant, having researched information on internet about, in particular, IRA bomb
manufacture, went on to build a home-made viable pipe bomb. R v Collins (2010; Prosecuting; Luton Crown Court) Defendant (renowned firearms engineer), inter alia, illegally building bespoke high powered air-rifles (‘dangerous air-weapons’ over 12ft.lbs limit considered ‘firearms’). One sold to BBC journalist. Six day trial. Jury heard evidence from two Forensic Scientists (one with international reputation as firearms examiner) and two Defence ‘experts’. The Defence challenged every aspect of the Crown’s case; raised spurious legal defences (e.g. ‘Crown exempt’) and took unarguable points (e.g. abuse of process – “collateral purpose” – claiming case brought to punish Defendant for acting as Defence expert for former East German intelligence officer; alleging Police ‘plant’; disputing continuity). Defendant convicted. Serious Violence
Despite specialising in, on the one hand, serious sexual offences and, on the other, fraud, drugs conspiracies and money laundering, I am still regularly asked to prosecute and defend those accused of committing serious or repeated offences of non-fatal violence. R v Dickson (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant charged with Attempted Murder. He had a drunken argument with a man whom he suspected of pestering his girlfriend. During confrontation the Defendant produced a large kitchen knife which he used to stab the Victim. First blow to arm (“in-out-in” injury) pinned forearm to bicep. Defendant then stabbed Victim in the flank causing punctured lung - haemo-pneumothorax resulting in unrecordable blood pressure upon arrival at hospital. Imprisonment for Public Protection. R v Collinson & others (2010; Defending; Leicester Crown Court) Defendant, his father and another charged with Attempted Murder. After fight at pub Defendant and co-Defendant, at instigation of father, pursued one of their opponents in a car. Victim was run down and then had his throat slashed by co- Defendant causing life-threatening injuries. Pleas from son and father, on day of trial, to Conspiracy to Cause GBH with Intent. R v Teanby (2010; Prosecuting; Nottingham Crown Court) Defendant robbed and stabbed his neighbour. Victim died before trial (for reasons unconnected to the stabbing) and his medical notes revealed that he had substantial mental health problems (heard voices, paranoid etc.,). Legal argument, following Supreme Court ruling in Horncastle, as to whether statement from dead witness could be read. Guilty pleas on day of trial. Sexual Offences RAPE & SERIOUS SEXUAL OFFENDING Over one-third of my practice is made up of cases involving Rape and serious sexual offences, in particular, serious sexual offences committed against children. Prosecuting or Defending, this is often distressing but always highly challenging work that requires detailed preparation and first class advocacy, not just when cross- examining vulnerable young Complainants but also when addressing Judges and Juries. The selection of my more recent cases listed below reflects the seriousness of the work that I regularly undertake. R v Roe (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Good character Defendant accused of raping sleeping girlfriend (long history of falling into quick, deep sleep). Defendant claimed consent but had sent Victim, shortly after intercourse, numerous notes and texts apologising for actions. Defendant also member of facebook group “it’s not rape, it’s surprise sex”. Trial - convicted. R v Witten (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant (previous convictions for serious sexual offences against young girls including, as last conviction in 1990s, offences of, inter alia, incest and indecent assault against both his daughters when they were young girls) facing allegations (ranging from Rape of a Child under 13 years to kissing) from three (effectively four) Complainants (2002-2009). Principal Complainant ‘C’ very damaged young girl (previous victim of abuse at hands of Grandfather; previous Complainant against Father (trial/acquitted) and maker of (admitted) false complaint against Stepfather). Defendant convicted of kissing allegations but Jury could not agree on ‘C’ counts – Crown, in due course, did not seek re-trial. R v Furneaux (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant (21) charged with Assault by Penetration and Rape - attacked his partner’s niece (aged 13) in dining room on Boxing Day whilst rest of family asleep. Guilty pleas on day of trial. R v Skidmore (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Trial. Two counts of Indecent Assault (1990-1992) against Step-Granddaughter. Defendant volunteered, unprompted, account in interview regarding one particular incident (involving Chinese mask) – issue at trial as to whether he had been forewarned, by Cardiff Police, that would be questioned on this topic. Convicted. R v Trimble (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Seven day trial. Historic (1987-2001) allegations (14 counts/5 Complainants, 4 of whom were Defendant’s nieces) of sexual abuse of varying degrees of seriousness (from low level kissing to campaign of Rape against principal Complainant from young age); Defendant denying allegations; differing defences for each Complainant - mistake; false allegation to hide own infidelity/deflect family anger onto Defendant; lies to support sisters; lies and blackmail (allegations of cross-dressing) because of deep rooted dislike of Defendant (elderly, recovering alcoholic). Guilty (majority) of offences against main Complainant and two others but acquitted in relation to allegations from her two sisters. 18 years imprisonment.
R v Akhtar (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Off-duty taxi driver giving lift home to drunken female Complainant whom he had seen outside nightclub. Alleged that he had sexually assaulted her (touching over clothing) on journey home. Friend of Defendant in back of black cab had returned to Pakistan before trial and incommunicado – hearsay application. First Jury discharged – argument about failure of Police to retain notes of a mobile phone call made, inadvertently, from Complainant’s phone to phone of a friend during the actual incident and, further, the voicemail recording of the call itself. Re-trial ordered but Crown, in due course, offer no evidence. R v Tothill (2011; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) Defendant (karate instructor) prosecuted for having sexual affairs with two young female students and for Perverting the Course of Justice. R v Noka (2010; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Six day trial & nine day re-trial. Albanian Defendant (interpreter) kidnapped his ex- girlfriend; detained her; physically and sexually assaulted her (oral sex) and then raped her twice. At re-trial, legal argument as to admissibility of single conviction and single acquittal from first trial. Further, at the re-trial Prosecution witness provided a further statement claiming that the Complainant had confessed that allegations were false. Witness abandoned and called by the Defence. Established in cross- examination and by re-calling Complainant that Defendant’s family had, between trials, traced and intimidated the witness’s family. Convicted. R v Hearn (2010; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) 20 counts - serial sexual abuse of Stepdaughter in gross breach of trust over a period of many years starting when Complainant was very young (oral Rape at 12 years old and attempted vaginal Rape when she was 14). Five day trial. Convicted. 12 years imprisonment. R v Sureshkumar Panchad-Charam (2010; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) Sri Lankan shopkeeper charged with sexually assaulting two female customers in shop. Trial – acquitted in relation to one Complainant, convicted in relation to the other. R v Ahmed (2009; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Defendant (Bangladeshi - Sylheti interpreter) accused of daylight offence against woman in street and of failing to notify (Sex Offender’s Register). Highly relevant previous convictions for similar offences (including against blind girl on train). Convicted after trial and sentenced to Imprisonment for Public Protection. Successful Appeal against Sentence. R v Brendan Clarke (2009; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Defendant (16 years old with learning difficulties) accused of trying to anally rape 12 year old boy and of committing lesser sexual offences and exposure against group of 7 year olds. Eight day trial. R v Croad (2009; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Elderly Defendant (house parent at RNIB residential school) charged with historic
sex offences (Indecent Assault and Buggery) on blind boy whilst pupil at the school. Issue – mistaken identification. Trial – convicted – 12 years imprisonment. R v Roberts (2008; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) 14 counts - various serious sexual offences, including Rape, committed against Daughter and Stepdaughter. Eight day trial. R v Whitlock (2008; Defending; Luton Crown Court) Multiple (100+) historic (1970s) Rapes of 8 year old sister (now in late 30s) by brother (then aged 14-17 years). Two week trial. R v Goodman (2008; Defending; Cambridge Crown Court) 15 counts – various sexual offences including Rape (some historic against Stepdaughter) and offences against Step-Granddaughter (aged 5 years). Trial and two week re-trial. R v Overton (2007; Defending; Peterborough Crown Court) Historic (1970’s to 1990’s) sexual abuse of step-daughter (20 sample counts - campaign of Rape). Defendant left Complainant’s mother and had three children with Complainant (conceptions charged as three Rapes). More recently, Defendant raped child with learning disabilities. Trial. Life imprisonment. INDECENT IMAGES & EXTREME PORNOGRAPHY
R v Sanderson (2010; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) Defendant (good character) pleaded guilty to possessing Extreme Pornographic Images (dogs, horses and a snake) and Indecent Images of Children (movies and stills; up to Level 5). R v Saunders (2010; Defending; Peterborough Crown Court) 21 counts – Defendant prosecuted for possessing Indecent Images of Children (up to Level 5) and for taking indecent images of some of the Complainants. Defendant went on to commit actual sexual offences against other Complainants (from 1980’s to 2007) when they were aged between 8 and 15 years. Guilty pleas, some on day of trial. R v Elsdon (2009; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) Elderly Defendant (now in wheelchair) accused of historic sexual offences against Step-Granddaughter and of Possession of Indecent Images of Children. Police seized substantial amount of child pornography written by Defendant. Six day trial. R v Topham (2008; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Possession of Indecent Images of Children downloaded from internet. Defendant successfully relying upon internet disclaimer as to age of those photographed. R v Rosenfeld (2008; Defending; Peterborough Crown Court) Professional photographer charged with Possessing, Making and Distributing Indecent Images of Children. Road Traffic CAUSING DEATH BY DANGEROUS OR CARELESS DRIVING
These tragic cases often bring to Court members of the public, be they as Defendants or as the family of the Deceased, who would ordinarily hope to never
come into close contact with the Criminal Justice system. The family and friends of the Deceased understandably frequently seek penalties of a level not permitted by the law; the family of the good character Defendant, on the other hand, are often stunned when the inevitable custodial sentence is passed. Death by dangerous or careless driving cases are always harrowing and consequently need careful handling by an experienced practitioner. R v Pesce (2010; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Allegation of Death by Careless Driving. Bus driver knocks down and kills elderly female pedestrian who, at the time (winter evening) was walking across the poorly lit forecourt of Greyfriars bus station in contravention of signs expressly telling members of the public not to access the concourse on foot in that way. Expert evidence established, during trial, that deceased may well have remained, until the last minute, in blind spot (caused by A pillar of bus as bus swung, at low speed, into bus station). Successful submission of no case to answer. R v Holland (2009; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Causing Death by Dangerous Driving/by Careless Driving when unfit. Defendant kills best friend in car crash on rural road at night. Car un-roadworthy. Issue as to medical causation. R v Crossley (2009; Prosecuting; Leicester Crown Court) Causing Death by Careless Driving. Defendant, driving new sports car, kills passenger (girlfriend). R v Kersey (2008; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Trial (acquittal). Defendant accused of killing his best friend (serving Royal Marine) in late night motorbike accident. R v Greenwood (2007; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant kills passenger (employer’s son) in van crash on M1. R v Holt (2004; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Double Death by Dangerous Driving. Defendant (racing) performing overtaking manoeuvre in feeder lane causing accident in which his two friends were killed. Successful renewed application for leave to appeal against sentence (R v Holt [2004] EWCA 3458) involved early application of Cooksley criteria. Financial Crime
This area, along with the larger drug conspiracies, makes up about one third of my practice. The evidence in such cases is invariably complex and voluminous. Whether Prosecuting or Defending one needs to be well organised, have an eye for detail and
to be ready for long hours of careful preparation R v Giles and Giles (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Mortgage frauds & money laundering. 26 counts - Obtaining Money Transfers by Deception, Fraud, Transferring & Possessing Criminal Property. Mother and son fraudulently applying for numerous residential mortgages (over £1.1m in finance raised) then renting properties and/or transferring, to each other, the sums advanced. Also, over five year period, laundering substantial sums of unaccounted for cash (£200,000) through their bank accounts. Guilty pleas on day of trial. Complicated case (5,000+ pages of evidence) requiring meticulous pre-trial preparation, detailed Case Summary and schedules of transactions. R v Mills (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Multiple counts of Fraud by False Representation. Defendant persuaded ten close friends to invest, in total, £100,000 in his healthy snack vending machine company and a bogus second-hand furniture scheme. Defendant created false documents to entice friends and told them numerous lies about value of business, turnover and fictitious investors. In fact, Defendant only had single (demonstration) vending machine and company had made no sales. R v Morrisey (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Defendant employed as Interim Deputy Head of Legal Services at Northamptonshire County Council and held himself out to be a Solicitor. Defendant had, in fact, made numerous material misrepresentations in his CV as to, inter alia, his degrees, his legal diplomas, his training and his work experience. Prosecuted for Fraud and Theft (double claimed over £13,500 by drawing salary thorough employment agency and invoicing NCC direct). When confronted Defendant made false and malicious allegations against Head of Legal Services and took NCC to Employment Tribunal. R v Butcher (2010; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Defendant - struck off Solicitor with 1990’s previous convictions for False Accounting and Theft (stealing money from client account) – employed by will writing and estate administration company (‘Willmakers of Distinction’). Principal Defendant stole money from the estates being administered by removing money from client account for his own purposes. Withdrawals facilitated by Defendant. Losses in excess of £400,000. Guilty pleas (day of trial) to five counts of Theft and two counts of Fraudulent Trading. 4,000+ pages of evidence. R v Entwistle & others (OP Ferry) - (2009; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) For trial led by William Harbage QC of 36 Bedford Row. £500,000
Northamptonshire County Council and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister fraud (refurbishment grants for traveller sites). Representing Council Officer charged with Misfeasance in a Public Office and Forgery offences. Co-Defendants included local architect and several members of the travelling community. In sixth week of trial Prosecution offered no evidence against Defendant on all charges. 7,000+ pages of evidence. R v Delow (2008/2009; Defending; Lincoln Crown Court) Bogus commercial insurance agent scam. Defendant acting as insurance broker offering specialist construction industry insurance but not, in fact, taking out cover with Lloyds. R v Eshragh (2006/7; Defending; Cambridge Crown Court) Leading Claire Howell of 36 Bedford Row. Working Families Tax Credit fraud centred on Milton Keynes taxi firm. 9,000 pages of evidence. CONFISCATION I have, for many years, prosecuted and defended in confiscation proceedings involving significant assets and/or substantial assessments of benefit. Many of these cases have had an international dimension. R v Giles and Giles (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Mortgage frauds & money laundering (see above for further details). Benefit £993,561 – confiscation order £75,000 including hidden assets. R v Thomas Murray & others (OP Guinness) – (2009/2010; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Multi-handed class A drugs conspiracy (see above for further details). Confiscation
proceedings - initial estimate of benefit £2.2m; assets included residential property in UK and in Turkey. R v Byatt (2006; Prosecuting; Derby Crown Court) Burglar alarm conman. Over four year period Defendant defrauded elderly victims of £1m, much of which transferred to South Africa. International Letters of Request (ILORs) sent asking that the South African Police assist in tracing the Defendant’s assets. Contested confiscation proceedings - Defendant in person – Judge made finding of ‘hidden assets’ - confiscation order £565,000. R v Jones (2005; Prosecuting; Derby Crown Court) Confiscation proceedings (Proceeds of Crime Act). Cannabis factories. Benefit of £550,000 with assets (including Swiss bank accounts) of over £200,000. R v Baker (OP Harrier) – (2004; Prosecuting; Peterborough Crown Court) I prosecuted, alone, contested confiscation proceedings (Drug Trafficking Act) in relation to the principal OP Harrier Defendant, David Baker. He was initially represented by a QC but then acted in person for confiscation proceedings. Benefit £1.33m; confiscation of assets valued at just under £400,000. Murder & Manslaughter
In my 18 years at the Bar I have been instructed as Junior Counsel to prosecute and defend in many homicide cases. R v Freddy Wilson & others (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Led by Jonathan Kirk QC, 36 Bedford Row. Trial (three weeks). ‘Joint enterprise’ murder (intention to do GBH). Four young Defendants, armed with a golf club, crutches, a metal bar and screwdriver attack group of Asian students outside school in Deanshanger. Golf club breaks during altercation. One student fatally stabbed, by co-Defendant, with broken shaft of club (unforeseen). Defendant acquitted of Murder and convicted of Violent Disorder. R v Strong – (2010/2011; Defending; Nottingham Crown Court) Trial (five days). ‘One-punch’ Manslaughter. Defendant (24 years old; excellent work
record but with relevant previous convictions – on bail at the time for Affray committed two weeks before and also subject to suspended sentence, again for Affray) kills man outside nightclub in Wellingborough. Deceased and Defendant’s friend (both heavily intoxicated) start to fight. Defendant intervenes (defence of another) too quickly, striking Deceased, from behind, with a single blow to the neck severing the vertebral artery. R v Tulloch (2009; Defending; Huntingdon Crown Court) Led by Lynn Tayton QC (now HHJ Tayton QC). 16 year old charged with murdering father (drug and alcohol addict) - history of domestic violence between them.
Successful application to dismiss Murder charge resulting in Defendant pleading guilty to Manslaughter. R v Anderson & others (2009; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Led by Lynn Tayton QC. Defendant (19 years) accused, with brother and others, of murdering local man in hammer attack. R v Attard (2007; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Led by Frances Oldham QC. Defendant (former Robbery client with mental health problems) beats to death a friend. R v Chaudry & others (2006; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Led by Andrew Bright QC (now HH Judge Bright QC). Prison murder (inmate on inmate) at HMP Ryehill. Four week trial. See R v Musone [2007] EWCA Crim 1237.
R v Nixon (2005; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Led by Michael Fowler (now HH Judge Fowler). Defendant (released on licence after serving life sentence for Murder) stabs prostitute to death. Vulnerable Adults/Children R v Punungwe (2011; Defending; Northampton Crown Court) Defending blind Zimbabwean man (HIV positive and Hepatitis B) accused of campaign of Rape against his wife, a Zimbabwean asylum seeker. Defendant had, allegedly, coerced Complainant with threats to report her to the Home Office and to sell their house in Harare. Wife had, in fact, purchased Viagra for Defendant to enable him to attain and maintain an erection prior to ‘rapes’ and couple had, with assistance of local church, ‘agreed’ to monthly quota of marital sexual intercourse. Acquitted. R v Clough (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Campaign of violence and abuse by Defendant (mental health problems) against his
girlfriend. Multiple assaults. On one occasion kidnapped Victim, took her (at point of cut-throat razor) to nearby disused office building and tried to throw her off the roof. Imprisonment for Public Protection imposed. R v Garrett (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court) Step-Father accused of serial sexual corruption of Step-Daughter from age of 14. Complainant (very damaged young woman) remained virtually silent in two ABE interviews. Defendant made denials but admitted sexual affair once she had turned 16. Originally charged with Sexual Activity with a Child. Real concern that Complainant’s testimony, even with special measures, not strong enough to secure convictions. Indictment amended to multiple counts of Sexual Activity with Child Family Member (where age of consent is 18 not 16). Guilty pleas to post-16 offences; at trial acquitted of pre-16 offences. R v Merchant & Haren (2011; Prosecuting; Northampton Crown Court)
Father and Mother prosecuted for Cruelty. Father injured their son (ill-treatment) - 3-4 months old at the time – three fractured ribs and fractured right ulna - during persistently heavy handed play, despite warnings. Mother failed to intervene (exposure). Both parents failed to obtain proper medical treatment (neglect). R v Marriott (2009; Defending; Norwich Crown Court) Defendant and boyfriend accused of ill-treating her young son. Son assaulted by co- Defendant – Defendant failed to obtain medical treatment.
Procedural steps taken and scientific information after the authorisation MAJOR CHANGES1 Commission Product issued on Decision Information affected2 amended on The DDPS has been updated to version 5.2 to reflect the change of the Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) as well as to notify other changes to the DDPS performed since the last approved versi